Kimberly MacArthur Graham

Art Gallery

Awestruck by growth patterns and life cycles and amazed by the adaptability and interdependency of all living organisms, I aim to create paintings that appear to be organic extensions of the world of seeds and pods. Steeped in mystery and rich in texture, color, and materials, these works celebrate the remarkable universal balance of opposite forces: fertile and barren, desirable and repellant, life and death.

I work in thematic series, so each image in this gallery is representative of a body of work. Click on the image to view the entire series.


All of my work is connected, a running narrative in which each piece has a valid part, whether first or most recent. I keep making new work, however, and there’s only so much room on one page. If you are intrigued enough to begin at the beginning of the story, please view my older work by clicking here.


I also accept commissioned art projects. For information on customized artwork, click here.

The Seduction of Place
Winter (detail)

Luminous Thread
Heart of Barcelona

Sometimes (sleep comes in spring)

Duality II

Ancient Element: Earth

Water Signs

a dialog in painting and poetry
